Friday, February 23, 2018

19 Weeks

Same mirror, different apartments (in some cases) and crappier lighting but overall looks like I've gotten better at sucking my stomach in.  This was based on the advice of my grandmother (RIP) who always said a lady must suck her stomach in.  In that last picture you can also clearly see that I already have two kids by the hand prints that are all over the mirror.

Baby Pee Pee Poo Poo

Pregnancy #3

I went back and re-read a few of my blog posts when I was pregnant with Violet and Ivy.   While I remember the morning sickness and (vaguely) some of the cravings, the rest of the symptoms have mostly been forgotten. This I imagine is mother natures way of making sure we keep procreating.  My third (and likely final?) pregnancy is not without its hiccups but unpleasant symptoms have not been part of it.  I felt fantastic in my first trimester and skirted morning sickness completely.  The round ligament pain has also kept at bay and I only began to gain weight after 20 weeks.  I even managed to stick to some sort of workout routine (even though my gym classes went from names like Body Sculpting to Better Bones for Osteoporosis).   This almost seems too good to be true.  You know what they say, "easy pregnancy, tough baby".  I actually just made that up but I bet it will be true.  One thing hasn't changed: I LOVE CAKE!