Thursday, April 26, 2018

When the cat's away, the mice will play

Gene is on a business trip in Orlando for most of the week, so of course I told the kids that daddy is at Disney World having fun without us.  All joking aside, I was a bit unsure of how I would manage given I am nearly 8 months pregnant, but funny enough it was really easy.  It's amazing how easy kids can be when you bribe them with sweets all day long. 

                                                                     Breakfast. Day 1.
Breakfast. Last Day

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Chuck E. Cheese

Chuck E. Cheese- where kids' dreams come true and parents' dreams come to die.

My Love affair....with IKEA and Costco

Every few years I get "the Itch".  What's that you ask?  It's an unexplained yearning for buying new things when new things aren't actually needed.  (For those that know me, please refrain from snickering)  The Itch hits me really hard when I am nesting and start clearing all the clutter from my home (as babies are about to enter it).  Often I crave new furniture or things that are extremely functional but since these items are nice to haves and not must haves, I turn to my best friends Costco and Ikea for some affordable help.  

Here's what I have purged and bought so far while awaiting baby #3.

1. Donated 9 garbage bags to Salvation Army
2. Bought a pots/pans rack so I no longer have to store them in the oven (life changing!)
3. Bought a mini-pantry that stands next to the fridge
4. Brought 50% of kids' toys to Hamptons house
5. Moved winter clothes to Hamptons (Too bad it's still cold out. Sorry everyone!)
6. Bought a new rug, chair and dresser at IKEA, totaling $14.29
7. Threw out anything that hasn't been worn or used in over a year, including Gene's checkered cream blazer from 1998
8. Added 6 more hooks to entry closets and one more hook to our bathroom

            My Happy Place

Family TV Time

It's an exciting time in the Klayman household --we are collectively binge watching a Netfilx show that appeals to all four of us.  Ivy is probably the biggest fan of the show.  It's called Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and it's a dark comedy that stars Neil Patrick Harris, adapted from the novels written by Daniel Hander.  The thirteen novels are split into 3 seasons, two of which are out now and the third one set to air in the spring of 2019.   While the show is technically for kids, the basis of it is that a man is attempting to either 1. Kidnap the main characters (children) 2. Marry the eldest child (13 year old girl) or 3. Kill the children and take their money.  Every possible situation ends with their deaths, so it's quiet disturbing.   The last episode we watched had a man tied to a log and nearly cut in half with a saw. It was a very long scene where we got to watch with anticipation the saw coming closer and closer as the man squirmed on the log. Did I mention Ivy really loves this show?  In fact, when that episode finished and it was time for her bedtime (yes, you read that right, we watch this right before bedtime) she begged to watch one more episode.  When we said that it's too late and we will watch another day, she replied with, "you better put it on or I will be cranky...and you don't want me to be cranky, do you?"  Yes, those were her actual words. 

Spring Break (and Babymoon?) in Boca

When I was 25 years old, I worked as an Account Manager for Yahoo. Many of my clients were in the South East region, which meant I often had to travel to Florida and the neighboring states.  One of those clients was Office Depot, based in Boca Raton, FL.  When I first stepped foot onto this warm oasis, roaming with nothing but 75 year olds, I was immediately in love. Don't as me why.  In hindsight, it's pretty odd that a 25 year old would be so enamored with a place filled with old people driving their Bentley's and lunching on the beach, yet I found it aspirational.  Fast forward 12 years and I am faced with a dilemma of booking a beach vacation somewhere that isn't infested with Zika, so of course Boca is top of that list.  While the 37 year old me was smart enough to recognize that Boca is nothing but hoards of Long Island and Jersey people, the 25 year old me didn't care and spent all her time enjoying the beach and pool.  It was a relaxing trip, filled with lots of nice family bonding time.  Here are few highlights...

Test Prep

Preparing for my glucose test this Friday

Violet is 8!

I write this every year but it never ceases to amaze me how quickly Violet is growing up.  The other day she asked me if I wished that she would stop growing up so fast and I quickly and intuitively said, "yes, of course!"  Gene was nearby and he had a much more thoughtful and reflective answer to her question.  He said, "Violet, I loved the baby you and being able to cradle you in my arms, but nothing beats the grown up you.  You are smart, funny, we can have great conversations, you teach me things every day and I wouldn't change that for the world."  Always has to one-up me, that Gene! (Kidding) I loved his answer, and as I gave her question more thought, I realized that it's not about the baby Violet or the grown up Violet but rather about appreciating each age and stage for what they are and enjoying it to the fullest.  The 8 year old Violet is fantastic!  She's kind, gentle, sensitive, loves her family and friends, artsy, and still (and always will be) a daydreamer. 

28 Weeks!

When I looked at the below pictures, I noticed that there is an interesting trend here as each of them is a very accurate reflection of what my life was/is like at the time.

Violet: I felt pretty good at 7 months and with no kids to take care of, I had time to doll up and look polished. Reflected here with my hair done and full face of make up and a tight dress with heels.

Ivy: My toughest pregnancy of the three with horrible morning sickness and extreme difficulty moving around.  Reflected here with a picture of no shoes, tank top and sunglasses as clearly I couldn't even get my shit together enough for a picture. Even my smile looks like I am in pain.

Baby #3: Easiest pregnancy of the three with no morning sickness, no cravings, no real pains or aches (at least not yet) and it's reflected here with me taking a selfie at the gym after a Body Sculpting class. #feelinggreat 

                                                        Violet                                                                 Ivy

Unknown Flower Name?