Monday, April 1, 2019

Ma, look what I can do!

Teaching Olivia the wonders of screen time

Our one day of winter this year

Faces...only a mom can love...

Memorable Conversations

Gone are the days when I sit down and actually write down a proper blog post.  Instead, I've jumped on the Millennial bandwagon of sharing a quick phone pic and lazily calling it snack-able content.  I am so Millennial that I didn't even take the time to spell out the word picture in my previous sentence.  Anyway, I've been having two conversations stirring in my head the last few days and they aren't necessarily super funny or deep but both just happened to be moments that stuck with me. 

Me:  Violet, about 30 years ago today a little 9 year old girl came to this country full of wonder and curiosity.  That little girl's name was....
Violet: Violet!
Me: (hand slap to the forehead)

Ivy: Mommy, is it fun having kids?
Me: Not really.  Not too much.
Ivy: Mommy!
Me: Oh, yes, sorry, super fun!

Cuteness Overload

Oh Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

 After Party

Date Night?

Date Night?
Not Exactly....

Olivia impressed with Gene's form

(Spoiler Alert: It was a gutter ball)

Little Sea Creatures

Turks and Caicos (For the 4th time!)

First trip was with Violet when she was 1.5 years old
Second trip pregnant with Ivy, Violet was 2
Third trip Ivy was 4 months old, Violet 2.5
Fourth trip Ollie was 6 month old, Ivy 6 and Violet 8


First, last and only time these glasses were worn

Visit from the Tooth Fairy