Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bliss is around the corner

Ever notice that as the weather gets nicer life seems to slow down just a bit?  Soon enough, the kids will be out of school for the summer, camp will begin, the heat will creep in, people will start taking vacations and everything will be moving at a slightly slower pace.  This past year (give or take) has been pretty crazy for Gene and I as we managed to have a baby, buy an apartment, move and now decorate - all while Gene pursued his MBA and switched jobs.  As I add the finishing touches to the apartment, Gene's graduation is right around the corner.  Now that our weekends won't be filled with furniture shopping and homework, I can only imagine the possibilities.  We're actually going to have FREE time!  I look forward to the relaxing mornings and drinking my cup of coffee while watching cartoons with Cookie Monstroosha (Violet's not so secret nickname).  Our days will be filled with brunches, parks, museums and trips to the Hammies.   She will get to run, play in the sand (or eat it as I hear kids this age like to do), swim in the ocean and enjoy her new swing.  Spending time in the Hamptons with all the grandparents will also mean free babysitters so Gene and I can go to dinners, movies and shop at the Hampton boutiques (OK, maybe that last one is just for me).  

Summer, I am ready for you!

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