Monday, September 22, 2014

Changing Seasons and Changes at Home

September was a big transition month for the Klayman clan. Not only did both girls start new schools - Little Snowflakes for Ivy and A. Fantis for Violet, but here a few other thing that are changing:

  • No more high chair.   That's right, the hideous white and orange contraption is now gone from our living room/kitchen.  Unfortunately it's now taking up half of our bedroom until we can be sure that Ivy won't fall and injure herself....again.
  • Goodbye strollers.  Both girls are walking to school so stroller use is limited to weekends.  I have mixed feelings about this one as the walk to school with Ivy can sometimes feel very, very long.  I often end up getting too frustrated and carrying her half of the way.
  • Violet's bedrail is now collecting dust next to the high chair.  This was another hideous white contraption that made its way to our room for safekeeping until we can rest assured that Violet won't fall off the bed.  The first night we took it off, she immediately fell off the bed, but since then she's had a pretty good record of sleeping in one spot. 
  • Ivy's crib is now a toddler bed. This is probably the least successful transition of the bunch.  Ivy loves getting in and out of bed and has been doing so until the wee hours of the night.  She started to climb out of bed in the middle of the night and makes her way to our room, with blankie and pillow in tow.  Gene and I take turns trying to convince her to go back to her own bed but usually by the third or fourth nightly visit we give up and make room for her in our bed. Unlike Violet, she isn't very considerate when it comes to co-sleeping or staying in one spot. Somehow I am always her cuddle target.

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