Thursday, July 8, 2010

Violet's favorite two star restaurant is closing down...

That's right, La Boobie will be closing its doors in the very near future.  My original goal was to breastfeed for three months (until I am back at work) and then transition to formula.  However, I love breastfeeding!  Not only do I get to bond with Violet and provide something healthy for her, but there is also no formula to mix, bottles to clean, milk to re-heat, etc.  It's incredibly convenient.  Sadly, I don't have enough milk, which I learned after Violet would become extremely fussy after eating.  At first, I only added a little formula but as the time progressed, my milk supply got lower and lower where it is now only about 30% of her daily diet.  I know that sooner rather than later, it will dry up and I will have to give her formula 100% of the time.

I did extensive research on how to build your milk supply and basically it requires you to sit in a room for 2 days straight with your boob stuffed in the child's mouth. Hmm, tempting.  While I would be willing to make the sacrifice, Violet is not a fan of sucking on an empty boob and shows her displeasure by kicking, screaming and trying to tear my nipple to shreds.  The other option is to pump every hour for a few days.  Another tempting alternative which is by no means painless.  After learning that both my mom and grandma had low milk supply, I think I am just going to slowly wean while continuing to feel massive amounts of guilt.  Ahhh, motherhood.  When does it get easier?

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