Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our New Home

I Googled our new address and here is a picture of the construction site our new home!


            After months of waiting and hundreds of emails with lawyers, bankers and brokers, we are finally home owners. As we said goodbye to our savings accounts, stocks and 401ks, we said hello to a brand new apartment on Warren street.  With the paperwork behind us, we can focus on unpacking and decorating.  Sure the place is smaller, but as with all things in life, we will just have to get a little creative and learn to adjust.  Who says the oven can't be used for storage?
           As far as the move itself goes, I thought it was one of our smoothest yet.  When I asked Gene what he thought, he said, "No, it was hard!".  Since this was the only move we ever had that didn't involve stairs I was curious at what he thought was the hardest part.  He tilted his head, thought for a second and quickly replied, "carrying stuff."   Can't argue with that.
           This move also made me realize what I have known for many years now - we have AMAZING friends.  On a snowy Presidents Day, they all woke up super early to help us move.  You know you have true friends when they don't ask if you need help, but instead ask what time they should be there.  Not only did they move us but they stayed late to put together all of our furniture and even put up with my crazy requests to move the couch into twenty different spots.
            Adjusting to the new place has been pretty easy but I am still experiencing moments of: where am I?  For the first time in my life, I am living in a place that is brand spanking new.  The morning after the move I woke up to feed Violet and still half asleep shuffled my way into the kitchen to heat up her formula.  My first thought was, "wow, this hotel has a nice kitchen."  It was only seconds later that I realized I am not actually at a hotel and at that point my brain started working over-time to try to figure out where I was and why I was there.  Ahhh, yes that big check I wrote the other day, it must have been for this place.  Yes, yes, it's all coming back to me now.  Wow, nice diggs.
           Violet is also enjoying the new apartment and has been running around exploring every nook and cranny.  Yesterday she walked into the kitchen and touched the Kitchen Aid logo on every appliance, ensuring it's authenticity.  Speaking of kids, the building is FULL of them.  Violet's boyfriend Jackson is across the hall and I can already see those two being trouble makers - just like their mommies back in the heyday.  As I write this, hazy memories of Beer Fridays come to mind. Yes, Brooke and I once had 'Beer Friday Coordinators' as part of our job description!  We might have to upgrade to wine Wednesdays.
           Just like with everything I do, I like to set imaginary goals and deadlines that really mean absolutely nothing and serve no other purpose other than to drive Gene crazy.  So here is my goal for the apartment:  I want to be done with unpacking and decorating by the time we go to Costa Rica - March 14th.  This means: window treatments, furniture, lighting and closets have to be done in three weekends.  Stay tuned....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Closing Time...

More than a decade ago, the words "closing time" made me hum the crappy (yet catchy) hit song by Semisonic.   It is now 2011, and "closing time" has a completely different meaning.  We are soon closing on our very own two bedroom condo in what used to be known as Red Hook (or rather the unnamed stretch of Red Hook on the other side of the BQE).  The area has since been renamed (mostly by brokers) to Columbia Waterfront or Cobble Hill West and thanks to the big construction project on the Piers, (1-6) it has gained quite a bit of momentum in the real estate world.
I can't believe only a year (and change) ago we moved into our current apartment and I remember telling Gene, "I can see us in this place for at least five years."  Nostradamus, I am not.  While somewhat sad to leave prime Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill,  I am excited to own a home all of my own.  A friend put it best: "There is nothing more gratifying than having your own home.  It lasts through everything, and it is the best, most secure feeling you could ever have."
As I sit here and write this, I am surrounded by boxes, boxes and more boxes.  Even though I have done this 13 times (8 times in college, 1 to California, 1 back to my parents,1 to Manhattan, 1 to Carroll Gardens, 1 to Cobble Hill) it only gets harder as you accumulate more junk.  Hopefully we're not going anywhere for at least  another five three years.  Hey, what can I say, I love to pack!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Princess or Sleeping Beauty?

Growing up, one of my favorite authors was Hans Christian Andersen and one of my favorite fairy tales was The Princess and the Pea.  The story goes as follows: a young prince is looking for a princess to marry and finds something wrong with all of the women he meets, nor can he prove that they are REAL princesses.  One day (on a  stormy night, of course) a young woman wanders into the castle claiming to be a princess.  The mother of the prince decides that the only way to test her royal status is by placing a pea under her mattresses (all 20 of them) and if she is a princess like she claims, then should have the sensitivity to feel a pea through all that bedding.  In the morning, the woman wakes up (and just like any female) bitches about the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and how something hard kept her awake all night.  The mother misunderstands the double entendre and decides that only a real princess would feel a pea through so much bedding.  The two are married and live happily ever after.
I loved that story and when I was a little kid, I was convinced that I was a princess and would place different vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cauliflower) under my mattress to see if I would have sleepless nights.  This experiment ended shortly after my mom found a tomato smushed under the sheets.
The reason I bring up this story is because up until last weekend, we were convinced we had a little princess on our hands.  Violet would often wake up from the tiniest sound in the room or even in the apartment.  Sometimes she can wake up from us tiptoeing into the room and other times she wakes up from a pin drop 2 rooms away.  This morning I actually heard her wake up from the closing of the microwave door.
Last weekend, we went to her boyfriend Jackson's first Birthday and all our theories went out the window.  It was a slushy Saturday afternoon and not wanting to dig out our car, we walked to the NY Kids Club in Brooklyn Heights.  Near the end of the 20 minute journey, Violet decided to take a nap in her stroller.  Upon getting to the entrance we couldn't decide whether to stroll around the neighborhood (to let her sleep) or go upstairs, but ultimately decided on the latter.  As we get inside, we are greeted with music, laughter and the general noise of 15 kids and 45 adults.  We looked at Violet and she continued to snore peacefully inside her snowsuit and foot muff.  Surely, she will be up any second, right?  After all, she is our little princess.  Well what do you know, she snoozed for almost a half an hour before waking up in pure awe.  I guess there goes our princes theory.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quote of the day

"My grandmother is so comfortable in her own skin. Probably because it's a little loose?" -E*TRADE baby
(this can also apply to women post pregnancy)

Violet's Favorite Toys

My top ten list is as follows:

1. Play and Kick Piano
2. Dancing Mickey 
3. Vegetables in a Bowl
4. Sophie the Giraffe
5. 3 piece puzzle
6. My pal Violet
7. ExerSaucer
8. Jumperoo
9. Links
10. Nesting and Stacking cups

These are some of her favorite toys that have withstood the test of time and by that I mean she played with them for more than 1 week.  Some are bargains, going for less than five bucks and others are north of $100.  The ExerSaucer and the Jumperoo are two of the higher priced items that Violet still loves today.  In general, I have  had quite a bit of success with Fisher-Price toys as they have tons of colors and textures, which babies love.

P.S. You're welcome Amazon

Crawl before you walk?

We are all familiar with the proverb that states, "you have to crawl before you can walk". Literally, this refers to babies, but generally, it is used when explaining that you have to learn the basics first, before mastering something harder.

Little Violet is about to make history and walk before crawling. OK, so maybe it's not history in the making, but definitely disproving the proverb. I think she is trying to tell us that you can be much more efficient without learning the basics - just skip to the tough part and hope not to fall too much.

As of two weeks ago, Violet refuses to sit in one place. She grunts and growls until you come near her and reach out with your hands. At this point, she grabs for dear life and pulls herself up to a standing position. Within seconds she is off to explore. Her first place of business is usually the bookshelf where she inhales the smell of sweet mahogany and examines many of her leather-bound books (kudos to those that caught the reference). Next stop is the mirror which she approaches with a big grin on her face. How can anyone not be pleased to see themselves? Usually she leans in slowly and a make-out session ensues. After she checks those two things off her list, she typically just wanders aimlessly around the apartment for what feels like hours. While it's not very pleasant on my back, I love seeing her face as she discovers a whole new world - 30 inches off the ground.

Little 'BIG' Brother

You often hear newly expecting parents talk about wanting a boy as their first born and a girl second. When you ask about their reasoning, they often say, "the older brother will always protect the little sister." Interesting logic, but my experience has taught me that a brother (any age) will ALWAYS protect his sister.
My husband and I are like two peas in a pod. What I mean by that is: we are both stubborn as mules. This leads to bickering about things as dumb as the weather. We literally had an argument about 'average temperatures' in January and what 'average' actually means (highs, lows or averages). I won't bore you with the details but we clearly enjoy a good 'discussion' now and again. There is rarely a 'winner' because eventually we get distracted - usually with another argument. We recently had an argument about taking out the trash. Who doesn't, right?
My brother was over our house that day and when Gene left to throw out the garbage, he turned to me and said, "I can see why Gene was mad about the garbage. There was probably a bug there that crawled up his ass." When he uttered those words, it melted my little cold heart. Here is my 11 year old brother, defending his sister with one of the wittiest remarks I heard in a long time. This just goes to show you that even little brothers are 'BIG' brothers. I love you Peter.

As a side note, I am lucky that Gene does not read this blog because I am sure his first reaction will be to rekindle our argument about the average temperatures in January. If any of you mention this post to him, I will deny that a blog exists.