Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!

I feel pretty ready to pop but today would be the one day that I need baby Klayman to just sit tight.  Can you imagine the teasing a kid goes through if they were born on April Fools?  Also, I have a feeling Gene would not believe me if I called him today and told him I was in labor and I would end up giving birth on the couch while watching The View.

I go through days when I feel that labor can happen any minute and then there are days when I am pretty sure I will be the unlucky soul that goes way past my due date.  In two days, I will be considered 'full term' and then the 'waiting game' can officially begin.  Right now, I am still cool, calm and collected as I feel it is pretty unlikely I will give birth this early.  Although, my mom had me three weeks early and my brother was about two weeks early, so you never know.  While the discomfort level is pretty high at this point, I have to say that I am REALLY enjoying my final weeks of pregnancy. I work from home, get manicures, pedicures, take long walks on the beach, walk around the block sometimes and go out regularly for fancy brunches, lunches and dinners with the hubby.  Life is good!

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