Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little 'BIG' Brother

You often hear newly expecting parents talk about wanting a boy as their first born and a girl second. When you ask about their reasoning, they often say, "the older brother will always protect the little sister." Interesting logic, but my experience has taught me that a brother (any age) will ALWAYS protect his sister.
My husband and I are like two peas in a pod. What I mean by that is: we are both stubborn as mules. This leads to bickering about things as dumb as the weather. We literally had an argument about 'average temperatures' in January and what 'average' actually means (highs, lows or averages). I won't bore you with the details but we clearly enjoy a good 'discussion' now and again. There is rarely a 'winner' because eventually we get distracted - usually with another argument. We recently had an argument about taking out the trash. Who doesn't, right?
My brother was over our house that day and when Gene left to throw out the garbage, he turned to me and said, "I can see why Gene was mad about the garbage. There was probably a bug there that crawled up his ass." When he uttered those words, it melted my little cold heart. Here is my 11 year old brother, defending his sister with one of the wittiest remarks I heard in a long time. This just goes to show you that even little brothers are 'BIG' brothers. I love you Peter.

As a side note, I am lucky that Gene does not read this blog because I am sure his first reaction will be to rekindle our argument about the average temperatures in January. If any of you mention this post to him, I will deny that a blog exists.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What is there to argue about, January is cold and July is hot, on average. :)

  3. Gene's argument is that when you want to give an 'average' you actually have to give the 'high' as that is more representative of the weather. ex: you don't say it's in the mid 70's in July, even though that's technically the average. You say it's 80s, and that is the high. Gene's logic, not mine. I say average, means average.
