Monday, May 26, 2014

Ivy's Milestones - 22 months

The other day it hit me that nearly every one of Violet's milestones was either recorded on this blog or in her baby book or through photos or videos.  Meanwhile, poor Ivy got none of that.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I dedicated a post that was just for Ivy.  As soon as I typed that I went to check and it was actually in February so not that bad.  Ivy, you're nearly 2 and here are some pretty neat things about you.

1. You have 12 teeth (or maybe 14 or maybe more - you won't actually let us check)
2. You can count to 10 (Some may say you can count to 20 but every number after 10 sounds like fourteen)
3.  You know the name of every person in your class
4.  You can sing your ABCs
5.  You speak in small sentences (mostly 2 words, but sometimes 3)
6.  You call Violet your sister
7.  You call Peter uncle Pee Pee
8.  You can pee on demand (this is a skill that most adults don't have)
9.  You can jump from the coffee table to the couch (and only missed once...ouch)
10.  You rarely eat play-doh and sand

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