Friday, January 22, 2010

Back to School

When you first announce that you're pregnant, the questions come rolling in.  Some of the more common ones are:

When are you due?
Is it a boy or girl?
How are you feeling?
Are you excited?

Then there are some of the less common ones, yet I wouldn't call them rare.

Was it planned?
How much weight have you gained?
Are you going to breastfeed?
Have you thought of a name?

The last week or two, I have been asked the same question by at least 5 women and each time it throws me off guard.  They have all curiously asked, "are you taking classes"?  What I have come to learn is that they are actually inquiring about labor classes, birthing classes, breastfeeding classes and not my graduate degree, as I originally thought.

Put it this way, I avoided: dance classes before my wedding, yoga/pilates classes at the gym, and I even managed to avoid a good chunk of my college classes.  To sum things up, I am more of a 'school of hard knocks' kinda gal.   I am sure I could have learned something valuable in each of those classes, but why waste time and money on something that you will ultimately learn anyway.  Have you ever heard someone say, "Oh that poor woman, she was supposed to give birth in April, but the baby just stayed in there forever.  If only she took those classes." No. I don't think so. Classes or no classes, everyone figures it out. And what happens if you don't?  Absolutely nothing....that's the beauty of life (and ignorant bliss).

1 comment:

  1. in about a month the questions will start getting more personal: "are you gona deliver vaginaly?" or "are you constipated?" lol

