Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Eternally Hungry

How is it possible to ALWAYS be hungry?  I can go out to a restaurant, have an appetizer, a main course and dessert and walk out thinking how I can totally go for a burger right about now.   I attempt to fool my body by feeding it lots of tea and fruits, but it knows better and wants nothing to do with earl grey or clementines, both of which have near zero calories.

Here is my typical (boring) day:
8:00 AM - heaping (2-3 servings) bowl of cereal  (This began as a healthy grain or wheat start and has now morphed into the breakfast of Frosted Flakes champions)
10: 00 AM - Tea
10:30 AM - Kashi Bar
10:45 AM - Clementine
11:30 AM - Clementine
12:30 PM - carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes) with protein (chicken, veal, pork)
1:30 PM - Clementine
3:00 PM - persimmon
4:00 PM - Tea
4:30 PM - Clementine
7: 00 PM - salad + carbs (French fries) with protein (hot dog) + tiny bite of dessert (3 slices of cake)
7:15 PM - another tiny bite of dessert
7:30 PM - another slightly larger bite of dessert
8:00 PM - licking the plate after the dessert
8:30 PM - "Gene, don't we have any sweets in the house??"
9:00 PM - Tea (while dreaming about dessert)
10:00 PM -  "I am going to bed so I can sleep instead of be hungry"


  1. Sounds about right from what I can remember. (VK)

  2. your diet is any persons dream come true..minus the dessert..I would have more fries (SS)

  3. It's like you stole my mental menu and ate all of it (except the persimmons and clementines, both of which I had to search for on google images)
