Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Violet is getting her chompers! At 4.5 months of age, her little gums got very swollen and two little white caps emerged.  Apparently teeth coming in is very painful because babies tend to get very fussy.  Violet is no exception to this rule.  Putting her to sleep requires tons of rocking, dancing, singing and acrobatics.

I vaguely remember getting my 'adult' teeth and THAT was not a fun experience.  The worst part was when the baby teeth would start to move around and there was nothing but a tiny piece of skin keeping them attached to the gums.  I think every kid would use their tongue to push the tooth around until it finally broke free.   Then there were also the various ways of getting the tooth out, one of which was tying a string to the tooth and the door handle and then sharply pulling on the door.  I think this only happened in Russia though and even that little fact I am not too sure about.

Besides her brand new bottom teeth, Violet has grown in so many ways.  Each day we find her doing something new and it's so exciting to see the world through her eyes.  She finds amusement in little things like the fact that she can hit her toys and they make a squeaky noise.  When she is amused, she gives us the biggest grin you can imagine.  If she is REALLY amused, she laughs uncontrollably.   One of her favorite things is when Gene imitates young babies.  He came home from work one day and was telling me how he saw a newborn in the pharmacy and it was so tiny that all it did was flail its little arms and legs.  Then he proceeded to demonstrate what the baby did by shaking his head, arms and making a babbling noise.  Violet saw this and her laughter filled the entire room.  She laughed so much, I was expecting milk to come out of her nose.  I have to admit, Gene imitating a newborn IS pretty funny.

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