Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What this new mom can't live without!

If you recall, a few months ago, I asked moms to write in and tell me about items they couldn't live without.  The compiled list led to this post.  Now that I am a mom, I figured I might as well add my own list of items I can't live without.

1. Boudreaux Butt Paste - after trying A&D, Desitin and the stuff the hospital gives out, I found that nothing even comes close to the healing power of this diaper rash cream.  I am about to start using this on my face!  It healed Violet's diaper rash in a matter of one or two uses.
2. Pacifier Wipes - these are meant to clean a pacifier after it gets dirty or falls to the ground, but I find it really convenient to wipe the face after her meals.
3. Hospital Blankets - This is what they wrap your newborn in after you give birth.  Technically, you aren't supposed to take these home but we had a wonderful nurse that gave us a bunch of them and now we use them ALL the time.  They are great for lining a stroller, putting on the couch for the baby to lounge or any time you need a burp cloth.
4. Sleep-n-Play PJs (with zippers) - These are great because in the middle of the night you don't have to deal with a million buttons and clips.  All you have to do is pull the zipper and changing takes minutes.  Gerbers makes a great set (of 3) for only about 15 bucks.
5. Disposable Diaper Pads - These are meant to be used on the go, but I use them on top of my changing table covers.  If I didn't have these, I would probably end up washing my changing table cover every day.  Violet loves to go poo/pee once the diaper comes of, so this disposable wonder saves a lot of laundry loads.

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