Monday, November 9, 2009

Staying Active!

I had my doctor's appointment this morning and it turned out I barely gained any weight since the last visit (official tally is : +8).  This didn't surprise me too much since our big move (5 and a half blocks) has really kept me moving around 24/7.
For those that know me, (who are we kidding, two people read this blog and clearly they know me) know that I am NOT a big fan of exercise.  So of course, I find it incredibly annoying that being a pregnant woman all you see everywhere is how important it is for us fatties to work out and keep in shape.  You see sites and magazines devoted to healthy and fit pregnant chicks, but the more they try to brainwash me, the more burgers I will be forced to consume.
So you might be wondering, how is it that I haven't ballooned yet?  The answer is simple, my quest for food has me walking around for miles.  Take today for example, I walked for 15 minutes in one direction because I wanted taro bubble tea.  After fulfilling my craving I remembered that a few days ago I passed by a store that said 'Grocery and Deli' that appeared like it was more of a burger joint.  My curiosity forced me to walk another 10 minutes in a different direction only to find out that as always -I was right.  The place just opened up (didn't have time to change their sign) and was actually called Ultimate Burgers and Dogs.  Now that I had hot dogs on my mind, I walked another several blocks to the supermarket to pick up some hot dogs, buns, ketchup and mustard.  The idea that I can now have hot dogs any time I wanted made me so excited that I had to walk home immediately to cook my dog!  Paired with a pickled tomato - delicioso!  Speaking of pickled tomatoes, I had an entire jar in about 24 hours which surely can't be good.

Gene's Corner:
"you suck (pointing at my head), but you cool (pointing at my belly)"


  1. I am totally confused...who is the other person who reads this blog?

    -el shprints glamy glam glam
