Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Finally Moved!

OK, so I know it has been a while since I posted, but I have a very legitimate excuse.  We finally moved!  After moving I remembered a piece of advice that I stored in my long term memory after our last move. The advice was: don't ever move again!  Unfortunately, I only remembered this after the fact.  The packing up part wasn't too bad and we took it nice and slow and packed an hour or two each day for about a week.  This was pretty efficient. The actual day of the move was pretty easy for me since I didn't have to carry anything heavy, but walking up and down 4 flights of stairs multiple times did take a toll on my calves.

The part that really sucks is getting to the new place.  Before you actually get to unpack you have to clean the place top to bottom.  Since I am what some call 'anal retentive', this is the toughest part.  Two different cleaning services, $50 of cleaning supplies and 4 used surgical masks later, I still don't think the place is up to par.   Once the place is FINALLY clean enough, I will still have to figure out where all the new stuff will go.  I have started to drop subtle hints that I will be taking the larger master bedroom closet while Gene will be lucky if I keep his stuff in boxes get the slightly smaller but equally valuable second bedroom closet. Since we're on the topic of Gene and closets, I have to vent.  My dear husband has a love of the wire hangers you get after you dry clean your clothes. All of his clothes hang on these nasty, anorexic looking hangers.  He says he likes them because they are very practical but I think this goes back to his compulsive hoarding.  Not only are they hideous but our house is full of beautiful thick wood hangers that are laying around not being utilized.  My project this week will be to throw out every wire hanger and secretly replace them with quality hangers.  Luckily he does not read this blog, but if he did, I guarantee you that he would not let me get away with this.  Will keep everyone posted on the outcome...

In pregnancy news: I am almost 16 weeks, which is 4 months in pregnancy lingo, but actually 3 months based on the more widely accepted Gregorian Calendar. I feel GREAT!  In fact, I feel exactly like my old self - sarcastic with a hint of bitter.  My stomach has been slowly making its debut, leaving me with only two shirts I can wear to work.  While I did tell my boss, I will be waiting another few weeks to tell the rest of the marketing team.  Speaking of 'breaking the news', what does that conversation go like?  With most of my friends I was just able to say, "Guess what? I am knocked up."  I am not sure this would work with co-workers.  Maybe I won't say anything and just let them notice on their own.

Gene's Corner:
"Arguing with your pregnant wife is like playing the lotto.  There's a one in a million chance you're going to win"

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