Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gotta Love Grandma (Part 2)

As I mentioned in my earlier post, my grandma was an OB/GYN in Russia, so she has been my go-to person for all pregnancy related questions.  I recently started to pack on the pounds, so I was slightly concerned because of the strong views my grandma holds regarding weight gain during pregnancy.  Since she has such strong opinions, I assumed it is bad to gain too much weight due to health concerns.  When I asked her to confirm that statement, she just said, "No, fat women just don't look so good. Why would anyone want to be fat!"
This brings me to a recent conversation we had over the phone:

Me: Hi, Grandma! How are you?
Grandma: Good, you?  How are you feeling?
Me: I feel great!  Getting bigger...
Grandma: Oh yeah?
Me: Well, I am 18 weeks and so far I have put on 10 lbs.
Grandma: Hmm, 10 lbs?  Wow
Me: Oh you must be thinking in kilograms.  Ten pounds is only 5 kilograms!!!
Grandma: No, I understood.
Me: Well, that's not a lot!
Grandma: Well, that's not little!
Me: Maybe you don't understand.  Hold on, let me get the exact unit.
(Mom!!!!! 1 kg is 2.2 lbs???)
Me: Ok, grandma, so it's actually only 4.5 kg.  That's all!
Grandma: Ha! Yeah, that's not so little considering the weight gain should only be starting at this point in pregnancy

1 comment:

  1. A non-pregnant friend's conversation with her mother:
    Mother: You've gained again
    Me: No I did not, it's your imagination
    Mother: I am not imagining 20 lbs
    Me: Oh, that's all? I thought it was 40
