Monday, December 21, 2009

Finally Saw my Doctor!

After six weeks without seeing my doctor I was excited to spend two hours of my life in his waiting room.  Last week alone I had two of my appointments canceled due to someone going into labor.   This morning the madness continued and as I was mere hours from being seen, a woman waddles in that is in labor.  Her husband and mother are both with her and apparently her contractions are eight minutes apart.  You would think that this would be reason enough to go to the hospital or at least skip the line at the doctor's office, but nope the poor barely breathing woman had to wait with the rest of us.  She only had to wait about 30 minutes before seeing the doctor -- something that is unheard of  for the rest of us suckers.

Here is what I learned during my appointment:

-My weight at 22 weeks and 3 days is.... drum-roll.....+14 lbs.  I am not sure if this is a lot or not but the doctor didn't seem too concerned.  I even asked him to make a prediction of what he thinks my final tally will be at 40 weeks and just like any smart man he low-balled it and said...umm  plus 20? plus 25?
-Turns out I have an anterior placenta which doesn't mean much except that the placenta is between my stomach wall and the baby instead of behind the baby (towards my back).  Essentially this 'mutes' the baby movement as she kicks the placenta instead of me.  Again, my doctor didn't seem to be concerned and said this is fairly common.
-My little munchkin has decided to sprawl herself horizontally across my stomach instead of head down.  Of course, there is still plenty of time for her to turn into the proper head down position but if this baby takes after her mom or dad, she will always do the opposite of what is expected (or asked) of her.
-Based on the baby's measurement, the due date is now April 14th (April 24th originally) but the doctor told me to pay no attention to due dates as they are all relative.

Take our new quiz: Will the baby be an Aries or Taurus?


  1. I wanna know if she has big black eyebrows

  2. Aries obviously! Did i mention it's the best sign in the zodiac!??! :)
