Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Girls all around!

Last week, my friend Yelena had a baby girl (Samantha) and Gene and I went to visit her in the hospital.   She is absolutely adorable! Her skin felt like velvet and she had that light baby powder smell that only a baby can pull off.  I was holding her the entire visit and marveling at how amazing life is and how in the blink of an eye a human being is brought into this world.  In between all the wonder and amazement I was also thinking, "Oh my god, she's so tiny and breakable".  I have to admit, I began to freak out a bit about parenthood and being completely responsible for this frail little life that I will bring into the world.  Of course, before I completely went into a panic mode, my wonderful husband said some reassuring words along the lines of, "Oh man, how does something so big come out of something so little?"  At this point, my panic of care-giving was morphed into my panic of childbirth.  It's true: babies are big.  It is also true that where they come out of, isn't.  My seventh grade science teacher once decided to tell the whole class that childbirth is like pushing a watermelon through a quarter.  That (along with the birthing video) was one of the few things that I remembered from junior high.  Every girl in the class swore to adopt after that graphic video, but sure enough, many of them have endured childbirth and are now some of the proudest mamas I have ever seen.  The one thing that calms me down is that billions of women (and even one man) have done this and most do live to tell the story.

Gene's Corner (a.k.a. Knocked Up part II):
(setting: I am nagging Gene for ignoring me while playing video games)
Gene: I know that this isn't you talking, it's the hormones.  I would just like to say, "screw you hormones. not Anna. hormones."

1 comment:

  1. no comment here..pushing watermelons through a quarter isnt exactly my cup of tea ;)
