Monday, September 28, 2009

Harder to Hide

I am only 10 weeks (and a few days) and already I am HUGE. My mom saw me wearing a fitted shirt the other day and she laughed, pointed at my belly and said, "That's EXACTLY what I looked like at 6 months." This would be funny if it wasn't so sad since the baby is the size of a grape.

My weight has also been fluctuating. On a good day, I am up about 1.5 lbs, but on a bad day probably about 18. Ok, so not that big of a difference, but easily three pounds. Normally, I wouldn't care about showing so early, but since I haven't told anyone (outside the fams) yet, it's pretty weird to walk around with a huge stomach pretending like nothing out of the ordinary is going on.

When I first found out, I wanted to run and tell everyone but I was convinced to wait until towards the end of the first trimester. Now that the time is slowly approaching, I decided to use the 'wave approach' of telling people. What is it you ask? Well, I just made it up but essentially I will tell a small group of people each week. I may start with one person one week, two people the next, and so forth. Why? The answer is simple. After about one week, the first person will be sick and tired of listening to me incessantly chat about my pregnancy, and it will be time to move on and tell the next person/people. This will ensure that for at least several weeks it can be all about me, me, me. Ahhh, pure genius!

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