Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Round Ligament Pain

There are certain things about pregnancy that no one really talks about. Possibly because they are uneventful or maybe because not all women experience them. One of those things is round ligament pain. What is it you ask?

Here is the definition from BabyCenter:

Round ligament pain generally refers to a brief, sharp, stabbing pain or a longer-lasting dull ache that pregnant women commonly feel in the lower abdomen or groin. You may feel round ligament pain as a short jabbing sensation if you suddenly change position, such as when you're getting out of bed or out of a chair or when you cough, roll over in bed, or get out of the bathtub.

For some strange reason I tend to get the sharp pain when I sneeze in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, this is bad news for Gene. Because the pain wakes me up and is so unexpected, my reaction is to jump up and scream as loud as I can. Are you picturing this? Go on, picture it. Middle of the night, sneeze, followed by screaming as if you're being brutally tortured. The pain is incredibly sharp but also passes very quickly. I guess I would compare it to pulling a muscle. Nah, make that tearing a muscle.

In unrelated news, I almost tossed my cookies on the train today. I ended up having an internal conversation with God which went something like this:

Me: Please, please, please don't make me throw up on this train.
God: ...
Me: I swear just one more stop. Let me just make this one more stop without hurling.
God: ....
Me: Ok, 63rd street is just a few seconds away - we almost made it. You don't know how thankful I will be if you spare me this humiliation.
God: ...
Me: Phew, thank you so much. We did it!!!

Once I was off the train, the motion morning sickness subsided. If you're wondering why I am having conversations with God, it's because of: The Shack. I am about 2/3 of the way done - terrible book so far.

Mood: reticent (it's my word of the day)
craving: kosher dill pickle

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